People Matter - Supporting Women and Children in Africa
By Jean Kadenhe
Did you know, according to the International Labor Organization (ILO), more than 40 million people worldwide are victims of modern slavery? Every year, December 2nd is recognized as International Day for the Abolition of Slavery.

Although modern slavery is not defined by law, it is used as an umbrella term covering practices such as forced labor, debt bondage and forced marriage, to name a few. Essentially, it refers to situations of exploitation that a person cannot refuse or leave because of threats, violence, coercion, deception, and/or abuse of power.
Much of the child labor that occurs today is for economic exploitation. One in ten children around the world is subjected to child labor. An organization I personally support is the International Justice Mission (IJM) which has dedicated teams including lawyers to rescue people from modern-day slavery and abuse. IJM believe that slavery can be eradicated in our lifetime.
Woman working in factory - Photo by International Labor Organization
At Lion World Travel, we call for prevention rather than cure. That is why we have taken the initiative to support women and children in the African countries we work in. Access to quality education is crucial for preventing child labor. Our company understands that support of women in turn supports children and communities, making the whole community less susceptible to modern day slavery.
When you book a Lion World Travel safari, we support schools in the communities that you visit, plus you can visit a school or Pre-School on a trip to South Africa, Zimbabwe, Botswana Tanzania or Kenya.
The children of Henna Pre-School with Lucille Sive, CEO of The Travel Corporation – Africa Division
The eKhaya eKasi Art and Education Center is a non-profit organization where women and mothers are employed to enable them able to feed and clothe their children, send them to school and care for their elders. Lion world travel supports The eKhaya eKasi Art and Education Center by buying their beaded animals and bracelets as gifts for our travelers.
Beading at eKhaya eKasi Art and Education Center
Lion world Travel has also partnered with Khayelitsha Cookies by purchasing their cookies as a welcome gift for our guests on selected South Africa itineraries. Guests love knowing that they are supporting the women who receive training with a job. Best of all, the cookies are really tasty!
Staff at Khayelitsha-Cookies
At Lion World Travel, we are all committed to implementing the Make Travel Matter Experiences that benefit the places you visit by taking a pledge and you can too … because people matter!
Learn more about our programs to help people in Africa, visit our Lion World Cares page.