Meet Africa's "Little Five"
You've probably heard of the "Big Five" – a must-see list of animals to look out for whilst on safari: (Elephant, Buffalo, Leopard, Lion and Rhino), but did you know Africa also has a "Little Five"? Here is the other must-see list, the “Little Five”. They are the Elephant Shrew, Ant Lion, Rhinoceros Beetle, Buffalo Weaver and Leopard Tortoise.
Africa’s big game is awesome, but there is also a wealth of interesting smaller species including remarkable birdlife, small game and strange insects.
A bush walk is the best time to try to check these interesting creatures off your safari list.

Elephant Shrew
This tiny insect-eating mammal gets its name from its elongated snout. Elephant shrews only grow to a length of 9 to 12 inches, with an average weight of 1.5 pounds. Being food for snakes and birds of prey makes them extremely cautious so the chances of spotting them are slim! If you do manage to see an elephant shrew on your safari, you are in the lucky small minority!
Buffalo Weaver
The red-billed buffalo weaver is a dark little bird with a bright red beak. They are known for their rather messy communal nests that appear to be just a mishmash of grasses and twigs – they are not very tidy builders!! They are very social birds and their calls and cackles make for a noisy gathering!
Rhino Beetle
These impressive little insects are said to be among the strongest creatures in the world in proportion to their body weight and are believed to be able to lift 850 times their weight! The name “rhino” comes from the large horns of the male beetles.
Leopard Tortoise
Leopard tortoises are the biggest of the little five and have beautiful leopard-like markings on their shells, hence their name. The largest ones can grow up to 18 inches in length and weigh up to 40 lbs.
Ant Lion
The Ant Lion probably gets its name from its predatory behavior of digging conical traps in the sandy soil to catch its prey of ants or termites. It lives most of its life underground and is the larvae stage of a winged insect that resembles a dragonfly. Good luck spotting them!