King, the Lion is almost Grown Up!
By Lucille Sive
They grow up so fast! An update from our friends at Shamwari and the Born Free Big Cat Rescue Centre about the progress of King, the lion cub that was found abandoned in an apartment in Paris.

When found he was just a cub, very far from his natural home and in need of some love and care. Lion World Travel and the Shamwari Private Game Reserve stepped in and found him a new home.
King the Lion, as a Cub last year
Last year, after the 10,000km journey to Africa and some careful nurturing by the team at the Born Free Big Cat Rescue Centre at Shamwari, King grew into his own.
In natural surroundings at the Shamwari Private Game Reserve, he has become a vibrant, adventurous lion.
As his progress continues, we are pleased to pass on the news that he is becoming an adult! His lion mane is growing in, and the team at Shamwari are certain he is going to be a big, impressive lion when fully grown.
King enjoys staying active in his workout area, preferring places that give him a birds eye view of the surrounding areas at the Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre. In true lion fashion he loves a good meal and when feeding he will greedily take his food far into the bush to enjoy in privacy away from any onlookers.
Introducing him to natural environmental stimulants has begun, which is part of the Shamwari environmental enrichment program. Most recently a pile of elephant dung was placed in his area (in photo above), which had his senses in overdrive as he spent almost an hour investigating and examining the new, strange item.
The future looks bright for King, as he continues to learn to be a wild lion, and we are anxious to see how big he gets by this time next year! Lions tend to be fully grown by about three years old so it will not be long before his mane is looking quite regal. For more photos of King, check out my recent Instagram post.